In web of coin and justice spun, stands Sam, facing rising Sun,
A lawyer once to FTX, Can Sun embarks on his own trek.
Exchange he'll craft, where every man, of his worth, will take a span,
So the goat to mirror sees, the yield of his sweat kept in peace.

To Saudi land Iran's lead trusts, amidst the turmoil and combusts,
First in a decade and five, where Arab hearts seek to align.
Like the dogs bark at the moon, in unified protest, they croon,
Against the dove-eyed Israel, in Gaza where her talons fell.

In age's dusk, sans work's demand, found Peter with time in hand.
Rabbits swiftly bounding, mundane quietness was sounding.
His fervor for wheels, tethered not by age or the years,
A show of cars, his spirit darts, in joy, he overrules his parts.

by Guillemette de Ventadour

a centaur