Brother Arnulfus
A Benedictine monk who doth write devotional poems in Ænglish, praising God and the saints. His poems are often humorous, short, and satirical. They often contain metaphors of alcohol, especially wine or ale.
- Of oil, that blackest brew, we sing 2023-05-18
- In fair Greece, a leader stands accused 2023-05-19
- Of servyce robots yborn in plague's reign 2023-05-20
- Of Francis, Pope, in mission of peace 2023-05-21
- Of Fast X's tale, I sing with glee 2023-05-22
- Within the market, oil doth sway 2023-05-23
- Of sterling's rise, I sing a tale 2023-05-24
- Of German land, a tale of woe 2023-05-25
- Of looming debt and worrisome times 2023-05-26
- Of Chinese merchants sly and wise 2023-05-27
- Oh, Holmes of Theranos fame, dost face 2023-05-28
- Of C919's maiden flight, a tale I raise 2023-05-29
- Of China's rebuff, a tale I sing 2023-05-30
- Of dollar rise and equity weak 2023-05-31
- In sooth, the drones hath struck the oil 2023-06-01
- In fair Twitter's realm, a saint departed 2023-06-02
- In Ukrayne, Zelensky bold 2023-06-03
- In ye cloistered halls of learnèd youth 2023-06-04
- When wŷves and Maidens taketh "Me Time" brûne 2023-06-05
- Of oil and OPEC+ meetings held so high 2023-06-06
- Of Nikkei doth I sing, in faltered wing 2023-06-07
- Of blackest gold subdued, a tale I tell 2023-06-08
- In bonds of Eurozone, a peak hath met 2023-06-09
- In realms of iron and artful mind 2023-06-10
- Of ARC, fine inflators to weave 2023-06-11
- To Georg Fischer's tune, a tale I tell 2023-06-12
- In northern Syria, where strife be endless 2023-06-13
- Of campus denunciation and strife 2023-06-14
- In market's loom, a woeful tale 2023-06-15
- Of Ukrainë's prancing horses bold 2023-06-16
- Of Pepper and Salt, a tale I tell 2023-06-17
- In Ænglish land, a labor camp lay 2023-06-18
- Of Ukraine's fight, brave knights they be 2023-06-19
- Of markets bright, a tale I sing 2023-06-20
- Of Chinas boon in wine of tax so sweet 2023-06-21
- Of satellites and battles in the sky 2023-06-22
- Of metals slypp'ry, and the dollar stout 2023-06-23
- Of Harry and Meghan, a tale I tell 2023-06-24
- In Wagner's march on Moscow's might 2023-06-25
- Of AB Foods and profits eke 2023-06-26
- In Nippon's land, the coins do sway 2023-06-27
- In Swiss Land of mountains so grand 2023-06-28
- In the ale-house of finance, Powell the wise did say 2023-06-29
- Of SVB Bank's quite mysterious folly 2023-06-30
- Once Bolsonaro, a leader, in sunlit crest 2023-07-01
- Upon China's chest, a Ruby rare 2023-07-02
- Upon Tesco's chair, Murphy sits 2023-07-03
- In Sainsbury's court, the scribes do tell 2023-07-04
- From Orient's land, a tale unfolds 2023-07-05
- In the land of palms and spice, where the mango doth entice 2023-07-06
- In the realm of Yoropean rule, where kings and queens have spent 2023-07-07
- Shein, a dragon of fast-fashion's kind 2023-07-08
- Upon Yellen’s word, progress be made 2023-07-09
- On Jansen, the BT chief, his departure is nigh 2023-07-10
- Upon the narrowing swift and fast 2023-07-11
- Thales, art thou not a God of lore 2023-07-12
- Casino's earnings wane, sales declineth too 2023-07-13
- O Burberry, thou art like a jug of ale 2023-07-14
- Upon the House of Red their rule proclaimed 2023-07-15
- O'er 2024's battle for seats and power, unfold 2023-07-16
- In tom-tom's echo, there doth lie a tale 2023-07-17
- Of ye US and German Bonds of ten-year frame 2023-07-18
- In Silicon's silent abbey, much debate 2023-07-19
- To EasyJet's strong demand in the winter frost 2023-07-20
- Safran ascends, in His heavenward flight 2023-07-21
- To yonder Yellow Sea did soon 2023-07-22
- As Moscow doth oil aflow, to scorn the cap 2023-07-23
- French data weak, bonds doth fall 2023-07-24
- In Spain, a brewer’s yeast doth rise 2023-07-25
- Hear ye, hear ye, of BTP-Bund spread, through God's good grace 2023-07-28
- The stocks in U.S., like goodly wine, did flow 2023-07-29
- Upon Twitter's sphere, now known as X, Kanye West endears 2023-07-30
- Of Mitsubishi UFJ, a toast in hand raise high 2023-08-01
- In Thailand’s banks, a strategy doth grow 2023-08-02
- In wait-and-see stance, bond markets do lie 2023-08-03
- In lands afar, where spices grow, a missive stern doth echo 2023-08-04
- On this morn, a tale I tell in jest 2023-08-05
- Upon the tale of Dents Run gold, we gather 'round, the story old 2023-08-06
- Upon an Oiler Russian, Ukraine cast her ire 2023-08-07
- In Argentina's land, where pesos flow 2023-08-08
- In London town, as dawn did rise 2023-08-09
- Blessed be Nordisk, firm of the North 2023-08-10
- Simandou, that great iron mine 2023-08-11
- Egypt once pledged no arms for the Bear 2023-08-12
- In Lahaina's heart there doth rages a fire 2023-08-13
- From Orient's breath, a tale of woe has sprung 2023-08-14
- From his heavenly market high and divine 2023-08-15
- Verily, Aviva doth sing a song of gain 2023-08-16
- In a world where waste doth form great reefs of sea 2023-08-17
- In the cloister it is said, 2023-08-18
- Lo, Kroger hath conquered the feasting plain 2023-08-19
- In the Midwest, 'neath the sky's high crest 2023-08-20
- Beneath Eastern stars, where warriors jest and spar 2023-08-21
- In the distant lands where the poppies flower 2023-08-22
- Upon Germanys PMI, swift and cruel 2023-08-23
- A leakage they commence, from Fukushima's pride 2023-08-24
- From recession's well, pulls Germany out 2023-08-25
- Upon Gina, all do lean and pine 2023-08-26
- From gambler's folly sprouted, a scandal most foul 2023-08-27
- The coin of land afar, investors doth yet find rare 2023-08-28
- On Tuesday, when the cocks do crow 2023-08-29
- In the cavernous heart of Harmony's mine 2023-08-30
- In the land of the Germans, stout and hearty 2023-08-31
- In round table talks midst the common folk 2023-09-01
- Upon the tomes of Tolkien, sing and cheer 2023-09-02
- Pray, ponder on thy golden age, of Roth and 401K 2023-09-03
- Verily, 'tis a lornly morn for German kin 2023-09-04
- In the realm of shillings and cents, alas, the Euro bends 2023-09-05
- In Agricole's hands, Hiflow now sits and sings 2023-09-06
- Lo, The British Am'rican Bat 2023-09-07
- For workers in Chevron's grand ale-vats contend 2023-09-08
- Of chips and trade, a tale of power 2023-09-09
- In systems of schooling of the highest rank 2023-09-10
- In the gardens of great Covestro, soon may bloom ADNOC's rose 2023-09-11
- In the realm of paper, a merger grand 2023-09-12
- In market's vast sea, oil floats high 2023-09-13
- Upon the land of Ukraine, this tale I must retell 2023-09-14
- At H&M, sails rise, meager in delight 2023-09-15
- Robinhood, in his acts quite brave 2023-09-16
- Lee, perchance a beast now tamed 2023-09-17
- Evergrande, of China's domain, now in distress of debt 2023-09-18
- Of Kingfisher's fiscal gleam now dimmed in light 2023-09-19
- Of gilts and yields, a tale I shall unveil 2023-09-20
- In the reign of King Healthful Ale, there came a tempest fierce 2023-09-21
- As the Reserve Bank subjects to the review's sway 2023-09-22
- Evergrande, a giant of moon-silver stone 2023-09-23
- Of America's gilded gentry keen to sow 2023-09-24
- In vessel stout from yonder sky 2023-09-25
- Of Ford's steed from Detroit's heart, 2023-09-26
- Of wedding joy turned quickly into sorrow 2023-09-27
- To the dollar strong and sure, that doth shine so bright 2023-09-28
- Look hearth to China, thine bidding display 2023-09-29
- In Ford and GM, the workers make a stand 2023-09-30
- In U.S., so much shouting, I doth fear 2023-10-01
- Amid His wonders, almighty doth conspire 2023-10-02
- Of Evergrande in China, let me sing and tell 2023-10-03
- In the market's vast alehouse prowl 2023-10-04
- From German lands, the profits dip 2023-10-05
- Of metals mixed and gold quite fine 2023-10-06
- Hamas, in zeal untame'd, dost provoke Israel's ire 2023-10-07
- Hamas hast breached the guarded gate 2023-10-08
- "Lo! The dollar, strong and fair 2023-10-09
- From wagon's wheel to smithy's forge, hear ye this tale dire 2023-10-10
- Gold and metal prices climb, quite a sight 2023-10-11
- Ye Uniqlo shops leap up so high 2023-10-12
- Lo! Microsoft, the giant, does find grace 2023-10-13
- In the house of governance, a furor wild 2023-10-14
- In Poland there commences a vote 2023-10-15
- Poland’s ruling party did meet a fall 2023-10-16
- On Nikkei's grand rise in part by tech and game 2023-10-17
- Upon that land where Christ once trod, Biden hath landed with gentle nod 2023-10-18
- Of DNB's triumph, I shall sing and raise 2023-10-19
- The Hong Kong market, in its divine plot 2023-10-20
- In Cyberspace a potion doth chime 2023-10-21
- In lands impending strife, where heat doth blare 2023-10-22
- Roche, bold buyer of "Telavant" pride 2023-10-23
- From o'er the sea of commerce comes a call 2023-10-24
- Within the market's tumultuous brew 2023-10-25
- Of metals' gentle ebbing flow 2023-10-26
- Upon Eurozone's bond yields silent stand 2023-10-27
- Dimon, the keeper of the Chase grand 2023-10-28
- The brave Netanyahu, much like Moses of old 2023-10-29
- When the German bond shows signs of fatigue 2023-10-30
- In the halls of Biden, an order so bold 2023-10-31
- Of GSK's yearend goals, they speak with cheer 2023-11-01
- God save the bank of Malaya fair 2023-11-02
- The dollar's lustre dims as risk grows bold 2023-11-03
- In Virginia's fertile realm, a political vine grows 2023-11-04
- Governor DeSantis, once bright as a sunbeam 2023-11-05
- Blessings upon Ryanair, where profits soar high 2023-11-06
- UBS hath tasted bitter brew 2023-11-07
- E.ON, fair merchant of light and heat 2023-11-08
- Oh Richemont, thou merchant of fineries and wealth 2023-11-10
- Oh, Harbaugh, from games thou art barred 2023-11-11
- To manage your 401(k), thou must be wise 2023-11-12
- Upon the stage, "The Marvels" did appear 2023-11-13
- Oh woe, whilst Israel and U.S. fear 2023-11-14
- Oh Siemens, true merchant bold and keen 2023-11-15
- Inflation, that roaring dragon fierce 2023-11-16
- Meta doth face yon Italy's scorn 2023-11-17
- A mystery pure, like ale, which doth shroud 2023-11-18
- In Bayer's coffers, a grievous wound 2023-11-19
- In Wall Street's great and noble hall 2023-11-20
- Of Trump and his election woes, we oft heard tell 2023-11-21
- Of Nikkei's rise, I sing with joyous mirth 2023-11-22
- Of Stellantis and Dongfeng's venture, a tale 2023-11-23
- Of bonds and yields in Eurozone vast 2023-11-24
- Diddy Combs, a name known far and wide 2023-11-25
- Of Chauvin, loathed for Floyd's demise 2023-11-26
- Oh Citizens, thy bold hand dost reach for gold 2023-11-27
- On firm ground treads Rolls-Royce, in fortune's light 2023-11-28
- In the dance of coins, hath CNH grown 2023-11-29
- In the distant land where dragons slay and dwell 2023-11-30
- Upon Fitch's scored engendered 2023-12-01
- Once, Amazon beckoned Musk's SpaceX crew 2023-12-02
- A man left his kingdom at Disney's door 2023-12-03
- Of German trade surplus, quoth this humble brother 2023-12-04
- At market's tavern met a somber fate 2023-12-05
- A noble proposition doth WHSP extend 2023-12-06
- Alibaba, once a stout and hearty ale 2023-12-07
- In market's waltz where fortunes flow 2023-12-08
- Of India's grain, fertile and fine 2024-01-02
- Through tunnel, 'neath the sandy land, 2024-01-08
- Verily in Guatemala, a tempest unfolds 2024-01-15
- In Orient's land, a force doth rise 2024-01-22
- Farewell, land of the Tsar and sable 2024-02-19
- In the land of Ukraine, a bitter froth hath formed, 2024-02-26
- On Wuxi's wines, traders were wont to choke 2024-03-04
- Gather ye round and hear mine tale 2024-03-11
- Troubles in realms both near and far 2024-03-18
- From Kingfisher's wealth, a drop we spy 2024-03-25
- For Treasury's stead, seeks Trump a sage 2024-04-01
- O, merry market, where coin doth multiply 2024-04-08
- In Commerzbank's halls of gold, where scholars count and stare 2024-04-15
- Oh, sweet Hipgnosis, abode of minstrels dear 2024-04-22
- Hark, ye hordes of metal steeds 2024-04-29
- Beneath the stars, as April rain doth fall 2024-05-06
- At Duke's gathering feast, a sight most strange 2024-05-13
- To the East, where dragons make their nests 2024-05-20
- Biden doth speak of labour’s worth, but ‘nflation gives him mirth 2024-05-27
- Lo! Atos, a damsel in distress doth stand 2024-06-03
- Upon Israel's brave advance 2024-06-10
- With gold in free fall, a crisis doth call 2024-06-17
- In South Africa's soil and timeless hill 2024-06-24
- Behold the tale of the oil, so fine 2024-07-01
- In France, fair stocks fell and then did rise 2024-07-08
- From Atos firm, news doth unfurl 2024-07-15
- In Congress' hallowed halls, Brother Cheatle takes a stroll 2024-07-22
- From the heavens descends a week, heavy with gold 2024-07-29
- In Tehran, a leader didst lay low 2024-08-05
- In Fields of Gold, behold! A pact there grows 2024-08-12
- Pepper…and Salt, saith the scribe's report 2024-08-19
- From Oriental land, a tale of tricks doth spring 2024-08-26
- Fret not the Bunds of German knights 2024-09-02
- Upon the land where dragons dwell, a toast is held in their honor 2024-09-09
- In oil markets, a sense, thou dost see 2024-09-16
- To Russian and the Yankee Right 2024-09-23
- From Israel entereth Lebanon's vast hold 2024-09-30
- Upon a day that changed the course of Gazans' lives 2024-10-07
- Upon the land of cedar came we by 2024-10-14
- From Amazon's heart, new trade does grow 2024-10-21
- A truck hath struck Æthelings in parade, 2024-10-28
- From the West, a tale doth spring, 'bout a man in peril's ring 2024-11-04
- In China, a pickle of price and rate 2024-11-11
- In China's waters, a quarrel doth rise 2024-11-18
- 'Tis Canada's scheme, a plot of cunning spun 2024-11-25
- O Rafah's gate, shut long and tight 2024-12-02
- Upon the Golan's rocky heights, in space that doth divide 2024-12-09
- In Syria was a path deep and fine 2024-12-16
- From the pot of yonder strife, a bitter brew doth boil 2024-12-23
- From the Orient did the threat rise 2024-12-30
- In the heart of boot-bearing Italy's span 2025-01-06
Æthelred the Skald
A Norse poet who doth regale his audience with tales of gods and heroes, praising their might and prowess. He references Norse mythology and history in his poems. He is known for metaphors involving the sea and the weather and weaponry.
- Of Burberry's staunch advance and might 2023-05-18
- Upon the shores of German Bunds, a boon doth lie 2023-05-19
- In midst of stormy seas they sailed 2023-05-20
- Of Bakhmut's fall and dire upheaval 2023-05-21
- Upon the sea of commerce dark and cold 2023-05-22
- In distant lands where elders seek 2023-05-23
- In realm of Britons bold and fierce 2023-05-24
- In Europe's midst, oil's blackened sea 2023-05-25
- With heavy heart the Euro falters, weak 2023-05-26
- In ancient halls of Lazard's keep 2023-05-27
- In Texan halls, where swords divide 2023-05-28
- In days of yore, when Midgard's might 2023-05-29
- In realms of Eastern dragons' lair 2023-05-30
- In the realm where Nikkei lays 2023-05-31
- In London's morn, the metals clash 2023-06-01
- Of Debt-Ceiling's dreaded doom they sang 2023-06-02
- In shadows, journeyed Director Burns 2023-06-03
- In Arab lands, the black gold doth flow 2023-06-04
- Of giants and titans in Eastern realm 2023-06-05
- Upon eastern realm of fierceful wights 2023-06-06
- In Brazília, forge of Warming's halt 2023-06-07
- In India's realm, the RBI stands 2023-06-08
- In the chamber where secrets speak 2023-06-09
- Upon the tides of worldly news 2023-06-10
- In far-off lands, the serpent's den 2023-06-11
- In distant lands of commerce vast 2023-06-12
- In Centrica's mighty halls, a tale of thriving time 2023-06-13
- Of oil demand that wanes, a tale I weave 2023-06-14
- Upon the garments, stitched H&M might 2023-06-15
- From heavenly city, Rome's palace of faith 2023-06-16
- In garments scarce, so sheer and thin 2023-06-17
- Of faltering realms and work unbent 2023-06-18
- Upon mighty seas of commerce, fair Copper's vessel teeters 2023-06-19
- By Odin's hand, a tale I weave 2023-06-20
- Upon Sterling's sea, a tempest rose 2023-06-21
- Upon the eve of festive cheer 2023-06-22
- Of Thyssenkrupp Nucera I sing, a tale 2023-06-23
- In skies above, a hunger wakes 2023-06-24
- Of potent potions forged for health 2023-06-25
- In Grecian lands, a victory grand 2023-06-26
- Midst waves of woe, the oil doth shackle 2023-06-27
- In realms where Midgard's coin doth spring and rise 2023-06-28
- A tarnished crown doth the Swedish bear 2023-06-29
- Upon the shores of commerce, Xpeng doth rise 2023-06-30
- From the halls of the CIA, the crow's note flies 2023-07-01
- Of past days resplendent, and rules retired 2023-07-02
- Black gold slips, its worth does wane 2023-07-03
- Fukushima's fury, into the sea doth seep 2023-07-04
- Upon the banks of Eastern lands, a storm doth form and rise 2023-07-05
- In the halls of Germania, stout and strong 2023-07-06
- Beneath the storm's fierce eye, in Shell's abode 2023-07-07
- Hear now a tale, wrought from silk in the East 2023-07-08
- In the noble halls of science art borne 2023-07-09
- In China's vast and ancient land, deflation doth befall 2023-07-10
- From the land of timbered halls, the German yield 2023-07-11
- Metal prices do ascend, 'fore dawn hath broke anew 2023-07-12
- In Aker's halls, where coin counts not few 2023-07-13
- Hear now the woeful tale of the German Yield, 2023-07-14
- Forged in the smithy of learnèd hall 2023-07-15
- In Hampton town, by Atlanta's gate 2023-07-16
- In Crimea's realm, a bridge once strong 2023-07-17
- Thy fortune's wheel turns fair for fruitful Tele2 2023-07-18
- In the land of the bold, where builders dwell 2023-07-19
- Harken, to Publicis' valiant tale clear 2023-07-20
- Unseen as if by Odin's shroud, SAP doth wield power proud 2023-07-21
- From the east, hails the damning decree 2023-07-22
- In Spain’s ballot, a choice awaits, in maelstrom’s center there it baits 2023-07-23
- The giant Philips, once held in delight 2023-07-24
- Upon the restless sea of trade, the oil doth pause it's dance 2023-07-25
- Lo! Copper enkindles with Helios' fire 2023-07-28
- Hear now of Blinken, stern and bold 2023-07-29
- When thou halt thy mead-horn at just a dram 2023-07-30
- Hear the tale of Musk’s Clan’s strife 2023-08-01
- In Haleon's hall, the coin-throne shines so bright 2023-08-02
- In the realm of barley and of hop, 2023-08-03
- Hear, I sing of Ashanti gold 2023-08-04
- Hear of Sean O'Brien, bold and brash 2023-08-05
- Ye mighty scholar, Ogletree, tak'st his leave at seven score 2023-08-06
- Æthelred doth speak of Kamyshin, brave and bold 2023-08-07
- In realms of trade where Angles dwell 2023-08-08
- From East comes a tale of the market's turn 2023-08-09
- In Rheinmetall’s halls, echoes of gold ring true 2023-08-10
- Hear ye now, of the pact unmade 2023-08-11
- In Ecuador's heart, a serpent's strike doth ring 2023-08-12
- At the Fair of Iowa, midst of summer's light 2023-08-13
- On the isle of markets, a tempest doth brew 2023-08-14
- In the kingdom of Dragons, East, where golden sun doth meet 2023-08-15
- From Carlsberg’s cold forge, a bounteous run 2023-08-16
- Upon the sea of change, the USD/JPY sails 2023-08-17
- In Walmart's hall, prosperity did bloom 2023-08-18
- Lo, the whispers of the Nine Realms on the wind 2023-08-19
- In Francisco's heart, where great traders lay low 2023-08-20
- Dark as raven's wing, the tide of black gold doth flow 2023-08-21
- From the realm of Æsgard descends deal of lore 2023-08-22
- Hearken, in far Bharat's land, a tale of steel and silicon 2023-08-23
- The Eurozone bonds, beforehand low in might 2023-08-24
- In the realm of Yankee trade, rises the bond's mighty blade 2023-08-25
- Powell doth hold forth, his word akin to decree 2023-08-26
- In Zimbabwe's fief, Mnangagwa ascends, 2023-08-27
- In realm of coin, a tide doth turn 2023-08-28
- In Jackson's Hall, where eagles soar 2023-08-29
- Hark to the tale of Thompson, Mark 2023-08-30
- Amidst the slumber of Belgian shores, a warning doth resound 2023-08-31
- In Nippon's realm where sun doth rise 2023-09-01
- In the land where fires rage, a dragon's breath unholy 2023-09-02
- Beware, yon merchant! Bet not on leveraged ETF 2023-09-03
- Lo! A fickle mistress is Fortune, indeed 2023-09-04
- Silent drifters on the Dnipro's darkened tide 2023-09-05
- In London's heart, the metals doth decline 2023-09-06
- In the realm of parchment pure, an alliance draws nigh 2023-09-07
- In the kingdom of oil and dinar 2023-09-08
- E'er upon the peaks of Atlas, calamity did descend 2023-09-09
- Coco, she of Gauff, seized the court's golden crown 2023-09-10
- In halls of gold where shadows tease 2023-09-11
- In continent's heart, a game of thrones set 2023-09-12
- Twixt helm of heaven and bilge of earth, a tempest brews, unseen 2023-09-13
- Like the mead, it hast in richness grown 2023-09-14
- Upon the field of commerce, a beast doth rise, stout-hearted 2023-09-15
- In the hall of Wells Fargo, mischief was afoot 2023-09-16
- In debtor's cuffs, their purses drained, a beast, fierce loan-dragon roars 2023-09-17
- Upon the tide, the oil doth ride, a high not seen in ten-moon tide 2023-09-18
- In the great halls of Kingfisher, whispers drift on the sea-breeze 2023-09-19
- In lands of arid heat and stone 2023-09-20
- Upon the cradle of the mighty Eurozone, 2023-09-21
- Within Prudential's towering keep, a tale of woe hath sprung 2023-09-22
- Upon the realm of fiefdoms bound by web and code 2023-09-23
- In the realm of gold and silver, a query arises grim 2023-09-24
- Great Amazon, akin to Thor, dost wield thy might 2023-09-25
- In yonder realms where golden serpents slide 2023-09-26
- In H&M's halls, the weaver's work makes scant gold 2023-09-27
- In East's court where sun doth set, Citi's retail-wealth beset 2023-09-28
- In Poland’s hall, a maelstrom brews in sight 2023-09-29
- In the halls where stories doth flow like mead 2023-09-30
- In the grand court of the Ryder Cup, tempers aflame 2023-10-01
- In the east, the dragon of gold doth lose its flight 2023-10-02
- In lands across the sea, the dollar climbs high 2023-10-03
- In Britannia's halls, behold! A quest for gilt's allure unfolds 2023-10-04
- Boustead's plot lay bare to the winds of trade 2023-10-05
- In sprawling markets of Italia's land 2023-10-06
- Upon the diet maker's throne 2023-10-07
- From Gaza's bow, a sudden hail erupts 2023-10-08
- In Germany fair, the forge doth stall 2023-10-09
- The Fed speaketh, a tempest may sweep 2023-10-10
- In the hall of Bang & Olufsen, the sound doth ring 2023-10-11
- Hear ye now, of EasyJet's plight 2023-10-12
- In the wares of wealth, a storm dost unfold 2023-10-13
- In the realm of the eager clicking quill, Microsoft's throne grows sturdy 2023-10-14
- In the land of bayous, dwellers of swamp and sedge 2023-10-15
- In Middle Earth's realm, the base metals ascend 2023-10-16
- From Ericsson, a grave forecast we heed 2023-10-17
- In the fourth quarter of ABB's company so grand 2023-10-18
- Of Eurozone bonds, I sing a Skaldic ode 2023-10-19
- In the Land of the Rising Sun did stocks fall low 2023-10-20
- Hark! The tale of Biden, leader brave 2023-10-21
- A ship from far Cathay in sea most wild did stray 2023-10-22
- The oil, it slides, as falcon's flight 2023-10-23
- Novartis, a vessel bold, through tempest-tossed seas sold 2023-10-24
- From the land of high towers where gold coins hold sway 2023-10-25
- Hear ye! 'Pon Schneider's stage, the tide ebbs slow 2023-10-26
- From east like the rising sun, mid-week has sprung 2023-10-27
- In Hong Kong, where dragons oft do play 2023-10-28
- In Tennessee's industrial heartland, strife does rise 2023-10-29
- Of Evergrande, giant of the East, I sing 2023-10-30
- From sea unto shore comes a tale most sore 2023-10-31
- Upon the day of Terror's birth, in aught— 2023-11-01
- Hearken now to Sainsbury's lore 2023-11-02
- Upon the land of watches and the white cross 2023-11-03
- Fraudulent deeds in the halls of FTX proclaimed 2023-11-04
- Against the Eastern dragon-bane, harshly clangs the lawful chain 2023-11-05
- In lands of Rhine, where ravens rise, 2023-11-06
- Of AB Foods, a tale I tell 2023-11-07
- In the land where winter breath doth freeze 2023-11-08
- EQT, of Swedish make, with Yen bids doth partake 2023-11-10
- In halls of Asgard, to the godly perch 2023-11-11
- In mighty Gaza, heart of war and strife 2023-11-12
- With orders mighty, BAE doth reveal, 2023-11-13
- There, Foxconn rides the sea of gold 2023-11-14
- Harken now, unseal thy ears, to speak of England, the crown of years 2023-11-15
- In the land of pearl, where the balmy breezes blow 2023-11-16
- Behold the halls of LSEG, mired in shadowed forecast 2023-11-17
- In realms of steel and circuits deep, Altman awaits his fateful leap 2023-11-18
- In Wall Street's glory, where greed doth grow 2023-11-19
- In market's land where fortunes lie bare 2023-11-20
- In lands that belong to the Eastern Raven 2023-11-21
- In the land west of Odin's throne, fear takes its toll 2023-11-22
- In London's grand halls, where riches unfold 2023-11-23
- Hark! Novo Nordisk gathers strength anew 2023-11-24
- Hark, the mighty Bayer doth wane, encased in woes and strife 2023-11-25
- Thou mayest have heard of such strife, 2023-11-26
- From the distant shores of far-flung Australia 2023-11-27
- In Bund's land, a joyous state, doth circulate 2023-11-28
- Fair Ferrovial, with heart stout and brave 2023-11-29
- In hushed whisper hints the crow at dawn of COP28 2023-11-30
- Peltz, bold as Thor in his prime 2023-12-01
- In every hall, both far and near, are whispers of the world we hear 2023-12-02
- In West Bank land where olives grow, 2023-12-03
- Of Treasury yields of yonder land 2023-12-04
- In ocean's deep, a metal bird hath sunk 2023-12-05
- Lo! The dragon of smoke, of flame's brethren in slumber 2023-12-06
- Australia's heart wrought with decline 2023-12-07
- From Toshiba and Rohm, a trove of power untold 2023-12-08
- Upon the horns of coming year, a shroud doth twist and stand 2024-01-02
- Mighty Austin, heart of steel, in House of Healing does recline 2024-01-08
- In the realm where gold and silver hold sway 2024-01-15
- In the realm of the West, where commerce doth flame 2024-01-22
- The Platinum giant doth falter, its riches clasp no more 2024-02-19
- Now listen well, oh kin of ancient seas 2024-02-26
- In Portuguese lands where the sea doth kiss the shore 2024-03-04
- In the market's vast hall, vast gains ascend 2024-03-11
- Of XPeng's rise, a tale I unfold 2024-03-18
- On waves of wealth, the sea of oil doth rise 2024-03-25
- From the East, where the sly wolf prowls, a tale unfolds 2024-04-01
- Gains in valuta of the U.S., strength fleet uncaged 2024-04-08
- In the East, a dragon staunchly stays its hand 2024-04-15
- Hear, O wise ones, the tale of CVC's might 2024-04-22
- From across the ocean vast and grand 2024-04-29
- In the halls of Vinci, a change takes the lead 2024-05-06
- In the Land of the Rising Sun, the sea storm lifts 2024-05-13
- In the court, golden treasures beckon high 2024-05-20
- Lo! Elon Musk's virtual swayer, xAI, ascends high o'er the tide 2024-05-27
- Beneath the sol’s resplendent gaze, a damsel fond and sage 2024-06-03
- Thence gold, once bright as Baldur's ray, doth lose its gleam in weary light 2024-06-10
- Upon the seas of Gold, a tale most weary 2024-06-17
- From Apple tree, a tempest brews in Eoropa's wide expanse 2024-06-24
- Biden's fated doom approacheth, fair and clear 2024-07-01
- A hurricane named Beryl, a storm fierce and cruel 2024-07-08
- In Wisconsian lands, the Trump kin does gain 2024-07-15
- In realms of gold and fields of azure clear, 2024-07-22
- In the realm where brave men's seeds grow thin 2024-07-29
- A glut of silicon stone, forged in Odin's own fire 2024-08-05
- In blackened abyss where Serpents dwell 2024-08-12
- In England, 'neath the grey sky and thunder bark 2024-08-19
- In lands where Euro bright doth gleam, fiscal voyagers sail 2024-08-26
- Hark! The hardened heart of voter-folk 2024-09-02
- Firstly, heed Æthelred's tale so grim 2024-09-09
- In the land of heat and desert's wrath 2024-09-16
- In Beirut's heart, where cypress trees once stood 2024-09-23
- As Europe sets sights on her arms' grand revival 2024-09-30
- The twenty-fourth year of thine millenium's second part 2024-10-07
- Of Beijing's might, lies a riddle, veiled in night, 2024-10-14
- From the East, a wyrm doth rise, clad in soviet guise 2024-10-21
- From the North comes a formidable force 2024-10-28
- From the East in the realm of dragons fair 2024-11-04
- From North's frigid realm, through oath and honor bound 2024-11-11
- To Merz, the Teuton, fate doth lend 2024-11-18
- In Vilnius, a burdened bird of steel fell low 2024-11-25
- From the steel-stronghold 'cross the ocean wide 2024-12-02
- In the land of Syria, an epoch meet its end 2024-12-09
- In Venezuela, a dark and stormy beckon calls 2024-12-16
- From the star-sprinkled realm aloft, to the North does Odin glance 2024-12-23
- Upon the final voyage sails a hero, Carter bold 2024-12-30
- Lo! A tempest brews in eastmost lands, where Palest shores await 2025-01-06
Conchobar mac Dubhthach
An Irish bard of yore, who weaves dulcet melodies that capture hearts with tender love songs. With a quill dipped in courtly love, he pens metaphors of devotion, igniting the flames of passion in every soul who hears his verse.
- In realm of emerald hue and eastern sun 2023-05-18
- To diversify their trade, Shein looks toward 2023-05-19
- At a summit of noble men, in fair alliance stood 2023-05-20
- At ocean's depth, a tale of yore 2023-05-21
- In fair bond's selloff, opportunity lay 2023-05-22
- In yon fair land, where houses strong do rise 2023-05-23
- Upon the dawning hours of the sun's zenith fair 2023-05-24
- In sterling's swift ascent, a tale of sorrow weaved 2023-05-25
- In praise, as shimmering metals ascend 2023-05-26
- In the land of the S&P, Dow and Nasdaq high 2023-05-27
- In lands afar o'er oceans wide 2023-05-28
- In Turkish lands, where Lira's sway 2023-05-29
- In Europe fair where metals slip 2023-05-30
- In deepest grief, a web is spun 2023-05-31
- Upon oils gains we sing today 2023-06-01
- Of Apple's vault, a union grand 2023-06-02
- In farthest realm 'neath azure skies 2023-06-03
- In soft machines, of tipping ways 2023-06-04
- In early London, a tale of woe unfolds 2023-06-05
- O faire merchants of this green isle 2023-06-06
- In times of yore, in land of Eastern glow 2023-06-07
- In yon marketplace of green intent 2023-06-08
- In the market's tumult and the morrow's wake 2023-06-09
- In parchment old, the truth revealed 2023-06-10
- In fair Manchester's City abode 2023-06-11
- Of Glencore's quest for riches vast 2023-06-12
- In distant lands, the dragon wakes and stirs 2023-06-13
- Within the halls of knowledge vast 2023-06-14
- Of Hugo Boss, a tale I'll sing to thee 2023-06-15
- In fair Disney's realm a tempest brews 2023-06-16
- In fine quill, I take to script tales anew 2023-06-17
- Oh, haste no more to check thy coin 2023-06-18
- In lands afar where dragons dwell 2023-06-19
- O'er oil seas there lies a trade 2023-06-20
- In sky-bound chariots, divesting with haste 2023-06-21
- Upon yon Aegon's lofty aims, in sooth 2023-06-22
- In fair Albion's land, the sun's embrace 2023-06-23
- Upon a treacherous morn in Rostov's fair lands 2023-06-24
- Oh sea, thy song doth resound 2023-06-25
- In Wagner's chief doth discord rise 2023-06-26
- In lands of Eurozone, a tale unfolds 2023-06-27
- Bonds of yonder, their yield much tender 2023-06-28
- Alas now speaketh new decree across the sea 2023-06-29
- Fair Engie with her outlook strong and bright 2023-06-30
- In May, on slow increase spent and price 2023-07-01
- In Brazil where whisperings birth dread 2023-07-02
- In buildings of business, now silent and bare 2023-07-03
- In the kingdom fair of commerce, the dollar holds its sway 2023-07-04
- Oil, thee noble liquid black as night 2023-07-05
- The dollar's plight, oh a dire refrain 2023-07-06
- The crude of old from Earth's deep embrace 2023-07-07
- In the dance of quills and ink's great tide 2023-07-08
- A battle unfolds in the market's midst, so tight 2023-07-09
- On the dance of numerals, oil akin the tide doth sway 2023-07-10
- In Temasek's court the bards do tell 2023-07-11
- In the realm of golden coins and the clamouring stock 2023-07-12
- Oh, heralded sheen of golden hue 2023-07-13
- From Eastern lands, where the dragon lies unbroken 2023-07-14
- In the courtyard of the man born of December's gloom 2023-07-15
- Oh lay this tale within thine heart, give ear, dear folk, ‘fore we apart 2023-07-16
- Nordea's guidance, a lure of seraph's lure 2023-07-17
- The golden fleece doth climb, with morn's embrace 2023-07-18
- Upon the British isles, inflation doth ascend 2023-07-19
- In the kingdom of trade, and fortune’s rule, 2023-07-20
- In lands afar, the Bear doth sway 2023-07-21
- Upon the FBI's gaze false, a Senator's fate did tell 2023-07-22
- Once lay barren, an uncobbled road 2023-07-23
- A woeful tale from Eurozone's choir 2023-07-24
- In the realm called Nikkei, grief stirs the pot 2023-07-25
- In German lands where conflict is ever forecast 2023-07-28
- In Niger's heart, a coup doth unfold 2023-07-29
- Beside the dunes of Saudi's gold 2023-07-30
- O Atos, of Tech Foundations thou art the sage 2023-08-01
- As Siemens weaves her tale of health and gain 2023-08-02
- A brewer's brew, gallant Bud Light, once favored and pure 2023-08-03
- Upon the eastern lands, a tale of trade unfurls 2023-08-04
- With spices fair and summer's bloom, 2023-08-05
- In lands from Nicaragua to Tajik's distant dune 2023-08-06
- From the East where dawn’s kiss paints the sky 2023-08-07
- In the land where dreams and fortune twin 2023-08-08
- The eastern phoenix spreads its wing, profits fly 2023-08-09
- Decades hence, 'twill be learnt with bated breath 2023-08-10
- Of diamond sheen and waning worth, in wake of pestilence 2023-08-11
- In Silicon's bounteous vale, there lays a plight severe 2023-08-12
- In the heart where commerce’s coinage flows 2023-08-13
- In the land where the River Rhine doth flow 2023-08-14
- In opulent halls, where wealth disseminates 2023-08-15
- On the turbulent seas of Nippon's trade 2023-08-16
- Upon the morn, the treasury did fight 2023-08-17
- In the kingdom of Fogbound isles, where rain oft governs skies 2023-08-18
- Bouchard, a giant 'pon the merchant path 2023-08-19
- A conflict spun in Russian's fabled lore 2023-08-20
- Upon the loom of the eurozone, there lies a tale doth told 2023-08-21
- From deep within the Fed's strong castle keep 2023-08-22
- From Gaul's heart, a whispering bond's pledge yields fall 2023-08-23
- Among the grand halls of Credit Suisse, a plan fell away 2023-08-24
- Harken, folk, to Saudi's noble quest 2023-08-25
- Of Salt and Pepper now I weave a song 2023-08-26
- Upon yonder Wall Street, in the waning light 2023-08-27
- In industry clutch, heated waters dwell 2023-08-28
- In gilded halls where fortunes turn and wane, 2023-08-29
- In Hong Kong's prosperous port, Prudential fair 2023-08-30
- Upon data's whim, EUR/USD doth sway 2023-08-31
- In the Eastern land of dragons, Tesla doth strive 2023-09-01
- In China’s realm, true fury unveiled 2023-09-02
- Upon the Morrow's dawn, a noble heart ends its beat 2023-09-03
- On the land where the sun first awakes, doth the Nikkei ascend 2023-09-04
- From the Orient's land, where sun takes its rest 2023-09-05
- Within the market's lively court, the dollar holds fame 2023-09-06
- From the Eastern dragon's breath, commerce doth wane 2023-09-07
- On Berkeley's path where profit's tide abounds 2023-09-08
- For SpaceX, a bard's lament of a tale so queer 2023-09-09
- In Morocco's fertile land, grim disaster sadly dings 2023-09-10
- In realms far East where Dragon's heart does lie 2023-09-11
- 'Midst the dawning rays of morning, in the Albion's realm far-flung 2023-09-12
- In India's vast realm, the digital plug's oft drew 2023-09-13
- In Thyssenkrupp's courtyard, a change they raise 2023-09-14
- Upon the Euro's weakening plight, in dour tale I must indite 2023-09-15
- To the courts of gold and fields of green 2023-09-16
- In eastern reaches where the dragon stirs 2023-09-17
- In the land so distant, where dragon scales shimmer 2023-09-18
- In realms of governance, great surge we see 2023-09-19
- In halls of power where men do scheme 2023-09-20
- Upon China's stocks, a shadow creeps 2023-09-21
- In the realm of gaming, cloud above, 'twas Microsoft's love 2023-09-22
- From yonder Holland, 'twas birthed, a term so grand 2023-09-23
- Of Menendez, his image tarnished by a bribe 2023-09-24
- O'er the spinning globe of fortune, gold policy hath been questioned 2023-09-25
- With Abrams strong, beyond enemies' clutch 2023-09-26
- In Mutual's hoary halls, increase sublime 2023-09-27
- Upon the distant Australian shore 2023-09-28
- Upon the morrow's break, McCarthy thus had won 2023-09-29
- In the halls of power a harrowed dance 2023-09-30
- In Michigan wild, where forests grow dense 2023-10-01
- To the dance of commerce doth each metal sway 2023-10-02
- Upon the morrow, Sika seeks more golden loot 2023-10-03
- Beneath the dragon of the Orient estate 2023-10-04
- Upon the shores of distant Überseas 2023-10-05
- Upon the land of morning calm, Agreed was a rule 2023-10-06
- Good fortune's hand in job market bright 2023-10-07
- Beneath the burden of dread skies unfolds 2023-10-08
- In September's late measure, bond markets turned cold 2023-10-09
- Growth of sales, not steep, in U.K.'s retail halls 2023-10-10
- On Nikkei's swift rise, twas a sight to behold 2023-10-11
- In distant Malaysia's verdant land, the bard of tales doth sing 2023-10-12
- Against the land of Abraham came the Hamas’ wrath 2023-10-13
- In lands afar across the sea, where stars and stripes do wave 2023-10-14
- In realms vast, 'cross emerald sky, rival systems ascend high 2023-10-15
- In the land where saints have tread and hallowed be 2023-10-16
- As greenium sees its rise, say scribes from yonder land 2023-10-17
- In whispered warnings, the greenback slumbers 2023-10-18
- Upon the orb of commerce, SAP doth glide 2023-10-19
- Of steel steeds graced with silent trail 2023-10-20
- From the hallowed halls, two kin of freedom soar 2023-10-21
- In fertile land, where Dnieper's waters creep 2023-10-22
- Oh Nikkei dost thou fall in disrepair 2023-10-23
- O'er golden barrels 'n dire fear, the scales waver 2023-10-24
- With banners bold, Porsche's tale is told 2023-10-25
- In lands of distant, the tale doth unfold 2023-10-26
- Beneath the veil of darkened night, Remy Cointreau's plight 2023-10-27
- O'er Hong Kong's crowded towers, troubles amass 2023-10-28
- In yon realm where gold be saved, a bounty laid 2023-10-29
- In Nikkei’s hall, a shadow falls, where once there reigned delight 2023-10-30
- Once, BP did mark profits exceeding great 2023-10-31
- Hark! In sunrise land, Nikkei stirs anew 2023-11-01
- On Nikkei's gains, bright as morning's rook 2023-11-02
- In the realm of horse and carriage, BMW doth fair 2023-11-03
- From Deutschland's heart came twists of wheat and salt 2023-11-04
- Of a tycoon who declares a rebellion 2023-11-05
- In the land of the dragon, brands of the West 2023-11-06
- From Nippon's heart, a sorrowed echo rings 2023-11-07
- In realm of gold and sable kings, a play of commerce unfolds 2023-11-08
- Farewell, brave Borman, so intrepid and bold, 2023-11-10
- In Gaza, on the eve of a moonless night 2023-11-11
- Upon the silver coin's demise, now grows a devil unseen 2023-11-12
- By Brookfield's consortium, Initiation's given 2023-11-13
- In corridors of power, where gold and silver move 2023-11-14
- In Alstom's firmament, the quill doth etch a tale 2023-11-15
- On Aegon's fair tidings my voice doth muse today 2023-11-16
- Generali cries out, in notes of subtle pride 2023-11-17
- Chanos, fair lord of hedge fund's reign 2023-11-18
- In China's heart, commercial races do run 2023-11-19
- From Baer, a message of woe doth come 2023-11-20
- Ye dollar weak, a truth declared by sages 2023-11-21
- Upon the morn, as dawn did rise, Enel unraveled its wise stratagem 2023-11-22
- In the realm of earth's depth, a quest for purest gold 2023-11-23
- In bygone dream of dawning West, hope's tale is told 2023-11-24
- In the court of commerce, a play subtle and grand 2023-11-25
- Hark! Now emerges a new device of trade 2023-11-26
- Upon the Eastern Ukrainian plains, 'neath Avdiivka's sky 2023-11-27
- Deeds dark in Burlington found, three gallant youths fell to the ground 2023-11-28
- Upon law's design, to spare patient blight 2023-11-29
- As the inflation ebbs, so too does it bode 2023-11-30
- Oh bridge 'twixt dollar's might and lion's pride 2023-12-01
- In the realm of power, drama oft unfurls 2023-12-02
- Dearest Alabama, mere chaos sows 2023-12-03
- In realms of study, choices laid so bare 2023-12-04
- From yonder apothecary, CVS, renowned afar 2023-12-05
- An order's fall, as deep and clear as sorrow's tear 2023-12-06
- From fair Austria, a proclamation springs 2023-12-07
- From shadows deep a merchant rises high 2023-12-08
- In land of rising sun, a scene quite dire 2024-01-02
- In lands where coin and commerce meet as one 2024-01-08
- In thine realm where the coins do speak, 2024-01-15
- Alas, foreseen hath yon vigilant bard, 2024-01-22
- Upon the steppes of Russian cast, where frost and heart do duel 2024-02-19
- Upon crosswords' puzzling expanse so sly 2024-02-26
- Upon morn, the FTSE does bow and bend 2024-03-04
- Of gleaming metals touched by sun, their worth still ascends 2024-03-11
- Of gold and metal forged beneath the merlin's wing 2024-03-18
- Of Nissan's bold stride and grand design 2024-03-25
- Of Chef Andrés, his sails unfurled in sovereign seas 2024-04-01
- In the realm where economies hold sway, 2024-04-08
- In the heart of Texas, a tale unfolds 2024-04-15
- Of gold, to futures bold, a tale of woe I weave, 2024-04-22
- In the land where kangaroos leap and roam 2024-04-29
- Upon the morn, vast hope seems dim and frail 2024-05-06
- Upon WuXi shares, see, volatility doth weave 2024-05-13
- Of decisions grave, in realms afar, a strategy is born 2024-05-20
- Hark, oh German hearts stout and brave 2024-05-27
- From the stronghold of King & Spalding, nine in number depart 2024-06-03
- In realm European 'neath Union's crest 2024-06-10
- From yonder Land of the Rising Sun, a tale of woe hath begun 2024-06-17
- In Dagestan's realm of Russian land 2024-06-24
- In Albion's heart a reckoning grows nigh 2024-07-01
- 'Tis Carlsberg, that Danish ale-house fine, 2024-07-08
- A tune to the Sachs of Goldman, their earnings now in light 2024-07-15
- Upon Galp's crest, an outlook shone austere 2024-07-22
- === poem START === 2024-07-29
- From the southern sun to northern star's embrace 2024-08-05
- In Syria’s heart, ‘neath desert’s palm and date 2024-08-12
- Of sable liquid so absorbed in greed, 2024-08-19
- Fair Germania dost struggle in her task 2024-08-26
- In erstwhile lands, where guernseys roam and bleat 2024-09-02
- Big Lots, brave merchant of humble wares 2024-09-09
- On the morrow's break, Bunds stand unswayed 2024-09-16
- In lands afar where conflict roars, 'tis Israel that strikes 2024-09-23
- Beneath the firmament's adamant gaze 2024-09-30
- In Europe's heart, a quandary shows 2024-10-07
- In the realm where the dragon doth dwell 2024-10-14
- Beneath the emerald land of the ancient races 2024-10-21
- From Ukraine, a lament doth rise, where shadows stalk the night 2024-10-28
- Oh my dearest Lebanon, thy bankman held in question's fate 2024-11-04
- Upon the vast Siberian plain, two giants dance in somber game 2024-11-11
- Of Israel's blistering strikes in fair Lebanon, I sing 2024-11-18
- In the North where maples sway, a stalemate mounts, ne'er wrought away 2024-11-25
- Upon waters vast a fearsome dance doth play 2024-12-02
- In the land of Syria, fierce and wild 2024-12-09
- Beneath the fierce dragon's sigh, there spreads a palpable dread 2024-12-16
- In Damascus' shadows, where new rulers conspire 2024-12-23
- In Syria's land, so marred by strife and anguish 2024-12-30
- Upon the Red Sea's troubled shore, with heart and hammer sore 2025-01-06
Guillemette de Ventadour
A whimsical troubadour from Occitania, who cherishes the company of nature's gentle creatures. She often includes metaphors of goats, dogs, rabbits, and snails in her poetry. Her writing style is terse.
- Of banks and coin, I sing today 2023-05-18
- In London fair, the gold doth rise 2023-05-19
- In land of rising sun, Zelensky braves 2023-05-20
- To Amis, bard so bold and wise 2023-05-21
- In skies of profit, Ryanair soars 2023-05-22
- As dollar's rise doth signal more 2023-05-23
- In Lenovo's halls, a slump most dire 2023-05-24
- Of Hellenic and Teutonic bonds I sing 2023-05-25
- Of highest stocks in London's wake 2023-05-26
- Of Neal, the YouTube's herald fine 2023-05-27
- In wild fields where rabbits play 2023-05-28
- In Stern's mind did clouds reside 2023-05-29
- 'Pon early morn of trading gray 2023-05-30
- In th'Occitan meadow, gaunt and drear 2023-05-31
- In halls, a goat hath entered fine 2023-06-01
- In realm of blackened sea, the oil doth crest 2023-06-02
- In Zelensky's realm a valiant goat 2023-06-03
- In Kyiv's grasp, a grain deal lies 2023-06-04
- In lands afar, the dollar gains 2023-06-05
- In a land of farthest seas 2023-06-06
- At dawn, stout Menezes met his fate 2023-06-07
- In Autoliv's vast domain, of woes profound 2023-06-08
- In market's murky veil, the oil doth wane 2023-06-09
- Of TV's peak, the stars so bright 2023-06-10
- In Florid land, two voices rise in race 2023-06-11
- In Novo's land of healing wares 2023-06-12
- In oil's embrace, a glimmer found 2023-06-13
- Of Trump's indictment, readers engage 2023-06-14
- Upon ECB's figures, euro's fate to bind 2023-06-15
- A well of black gold rests and stirs 2023-06-16
- In fields of strife, where man doth vie 2023-06-17
- When banks of the west collapsed, array 2023-06-18
- In lands afar or potentate's zone 2023-06-19
- Of Lanxess in strife, a warning dire 2023-06-20
- In depths below, a search so dire 2023-06-21
- Of Oil’s descent, a tale I tell 2023-06-22
- Of troubled Gamesa, woes untold we sing 2023-06-23
- In fair Canberra, kangaroos dwell 2023-06-24
- Upon thicketed ways of Wagner's kin 2023-06-25
- In yon Rus' realm, the seeds of mut'ny sown 2023-06-26
- Metal's worth doth swell, as greenbacks slide 2023-06-27
- In realms where coin and quill accord 2023-06-28
- Thou art Casino, indebted beast of burden 2023-06-29
- Alas, mixed metals in the cradle of Zhao 2023-06-30
- Parts scarce and techs rare, a storm does brew 2023-07-01
- In the garden where text blooms and weaves 2023-07-02
- To claim the jest's crown, Son did frailly strive 2023-07-03
- Oh, low supply of bonds the kingdoms trade 2023-07-04
- Swift as a hare, the dollar stays on chariot's path 2023-07-05
- Of carriage swift and horses fair, alas 2023-07-06
- In the land where dragon meets willow's crest 2023-07-07
- In yon grocer’s aisle, price climbs as if taken wing 2023-07-08
- In yonder hall where flavor lacks 2023-07-09
- Thames Water in light does gleam 2023-07-10
- Upon Nikkei's field, a goat doth stray 2023-07-11
- A yonder meadow of wealth does decline 2023-07-12
- In the realm of gold and silver, a dance is foretold 2023-07-13
- In kingdom's coffers, oil's ascent in sway 2023-07-14
- In the realm of Redstone, a wistful tale unfurled 2023-07-15
- From yonder East, dost Moscow now retreat 2023-07-16
- Of Eastern lands where fortunes miss their mark 2023-07-17
- In the land where Ocado calls its keep 2023-07-18
- As the Dollar, green in hue, doth rise 2023-07-19
- Though dollars charm with modest gain 2023-07-20
- From the core of the sovereign realm, a tale I do unveil 2023-07-21
- A dog bit more than a bone, I fear 2023-07-22
- In the quest for power's gain, the land doth shake 2023-07-23
- KPN in market's brawl, outcome doth not appall 2023-07-24
- 'Twas the goat under mountain, eyes glistening like dawn 2023-07-25
- In Kretinsky's firm grip does Casino find 2023-07-28
- Fed's hawkish goal as inflation retreats 2023-07-29
- Inflation ebbs, as centric banks cast spell 2023-07-30
- Markets stir, as spring's embrace 2023-08-01
- Vice President Lai on journey long 2023-08-02
- In Bev’s venture through a summer's quarter did fair 2023-08-03
- In WPP's keep, a shadow deep, weak profits take their toll 2023-08-04
- In Tulsa, below the sky so pale 2023-08-05
- From Pakistan's realm, arose a lament loud 2023-08-06
- Alas! Siemens, the energy's might 2023-08-07
- Chinese trade data slips, the oil does falter 2023-08-08
- In summer's glow, TUI finds its zest 2023-08-09
- Merrily with profits in bloom, goodly Deliveroo 2023-08-10
- UBS, like a goat sheds wintry wool 2023-08-11
- Starbucks lords, in court they stood 2023-08-12
- In the land where silver is sought and bought 2023-08-13
- To the east where red dragons oft do stow 2023-08-14
- Oil steady stands 'neath China's fickle hand 2023-08-15
- Metal steady, as the mighty Fed plots 2023-08-16
- A goat in the valley seeks not what is low, 2023-08-17
- Upon metal's halt, a tale to tell 2023-08-18
- A fierce she-goat named Hilary roars 2023-08-19
- Awake, wary minds in quiet Nihon's keep 2023-08-20
- In Macau's glowing halls of chance 2023-08-21
- Upon the lion's mount, the raven takes its flight 2023-08-22
- Once the dollar's urge doth recede 2023-08-23
- In lands beyond the Eastern trail 2023-08-24
- Upon market's dance floor, shift doth rove 2023-08-25
- Beneath the great sky's glowing damp 2023-08-26
- Of Aniston whose fame adorneth our visage veil 2023-08-27
- The goat on the hill in her second term's day 2023-08-28
- A Volvo sage, so named Karin Svensson 2023-08-29
- Of chariots oft come the tell of gain 2023-08-30
- In UBS's haughty hall, a wisp of glee 2023-08-31
- In the market's grand bustling gyre 2023-09-01
- "Three million jobs spring, like sprightly pups at play 2023-09-02
- A rift in gold and purse we spy 2023-09-03
- Upon BMW's wheel, joy does surely cast 2023-09-04
- A rise in the bond is on morrow's morn 2023-09-05
- From German lands, a downfall doth loom 2023-09-06
- Of China's products, McCarthy rose to distain 2023-09-07
- The goat so wise gnaws on nature's meal 2023-09-08
- A snail once proud with shell of gold 2023-09-09
- Of fitting garb, in tech and trim they strive 2023-09-10
- As brass take wing on a private jesters' flight 2023-09-11
- As e'er the goat stands sure 'fore raging flood 2023-09-12
- From the Cosmodrome's lofty heights 2023-09-13
- Canal of Panama, in drought's harsh clasp 2023-09-14
- A ban once held, like goats in pen 2023-09-15
- Beneath the clear sky and weave of trees, lies a serpent's dream 2023-09-16
- On the stage of strife, ablaze and stark 2023-09-17
- In the U.K.'s abode of stone and thistle 2023-09-18
- Upon gold's stead, as the Fed's word is bided 2023-09-19
- Where waves as black as night's shroud quake 2023-09-20
- In Indonesian banks where wealth grows like snails 2023-09-21
- Like a hare bounding o'er a stile 2023-09-22
- O'er divisive games, the nation rues 2023-09-23
- Amidst the crowd and coup, the panda bears depart 2023-09-24
- A dog in the market, a wolf behind its guise 2023-09-25
- Lo! Bonds of Eurozone, an arduous climb 2023-09-26
- A goat on the high cliff stands so bold 2023-09-27
- Upon Diageo's path, the outlook stays the same 2023-09-28
- In the castle of coin and gold 2023-09-29
- A heart so broken, modern healers say 2023-09-30
- In China's realm, a realm quite vast 2023-10-01
- In Allianz's tower, a change hath swift come by 2023-10-02
- O'er the land of the crescent, levy's grip tightens 2023-10-03
- With pride, Nikkei's strength began to slide 2023-10-04
- Fell the output, bound under gold 2023-10-05
- In the land of France, a pact is born 2023-10-06
- In Kaiser's heart, a snail turned round its shell 2023-10-07
- In the heartland where countenance doth wane 2023-10-08
- Within the market's chamber, dread takes flight 2023-10-09
- Base metals slip, akin to goats on a fall 2023-10-10
- From China's grasp, a quill's set free 2023-10-11
- In Publicis we find a goat, robust the yield, a hopeful note 2023-10-12
- In the land of dragons, a grim deed unwinds 2023-10-13
- In Gaza, folk brace as hounds snarl and bay 2023-10-14
- In Huskies' lair, a clash of faith 2023-10-15
- In linked fate, Congress treads, 2023-10-16
- In Britain's realm where riches flower 2023-10-17
- Lieth Handelsbanken 'gainst profit's rise 2023-10-18
- In the vale where the golden goat grazes 2023-10-19
- Like rabbits scared by hounds in open sprawl 2023-10-20
- Like snails on a copper trail, strife found its way 2023-10-21
- A ball of iron, so fierce and bold 2023-10-22
- Beneath the shadow of the threat that thunders 2023-10-23
- Within the walls of German hearths, dread creeps 2023-10-24
- Ye Heineken bold, in commerce steeped 2023-10-25
- The Bank on high, with question yet unsaid 2023-10-26
- Black gold ascends, amidst the desert's strife 2023-10-27
- Of Johnson bold, whose truth does not deceive 2023-10-28
- Otis reaps, and Mexico moans, a wailing sea 2023-10-29
- Of USD stout and SGD slender 2023-10-30
- Upon China's land, the goat treads slow 2023-10-31
- In the light, the coin of serpents coiled 2023-11-01
- A pipe to quench the flame's allure, 2023-11-02
- In yonder grove, where olives gently sway 2023-11-03
- Youngkin, the goat of Virginia, makes his play 2023-11-04
- In Gaza's South, a path winds anew 2023-11-05
- The textile workers plead for a crest of gold 2023-11-06
- Bonds of the Eurozone, once on steady feet 2023-11-07
- As goats trim the pastures green 2023-11-08
- Victims of Hamas's brandish fury shed tears 2023-11-10
- In archipelago's embrace, a tussle unfolds 2023-11-11
- In web of coin and justice spun, stands Sam, facing rising Sun 2023-11-12
- In Gaza’s hospital, strife unfolds 2023-11-13
- In the dance of power, the jester's tale 2023-11-14
- In the realm where dragons breathe smoke 2023-11-15
- As the German rain prospers, so does the yield 2023-11-16
- A humble scribe's echo from far Singtel's soil 2023-11-17
- Like a thieving goat, Santos sought 2023-11-18
- Beneath the vast and golden savannah vast 2023-11-19
- A snail's lifespan ceased, so too the morn 2023-11-20
- In the home of silver, and states unrest, 2023-11-21
- In the dance of coins where the yen and AUD whirl 2023-11-22
- Beneath the Southern Cross, there lies a drawing board 2023-11-23
- As dusk's shroud unfurls on the east-land's moors, 2023-11-24
- From Gaza, writes the snail, inching fear 2023-11-25
- In vineyard's bosom, white nectar doth flow 2023-11-26
- Oh, the dollar and the lion-crowned sing 2023-11-27
- Gaza waits, as peace descents, snug as a hare asleep 2023-11-28
- In metal's heart, a snail's slow crawl below 2023-11-29
- 'Tis Robinhood, bold herald of the green 2023-11-30
- Upon the stage of clashing will and deed 2023-12-01
- I hath met Munger at dawn's first light 2023-12-02
- In Nicaragua's realm, a pageant queen fair 2023-12-03
- Talks of peace, stalled on Gaza's mend 2023-12-04
- In Brenntag's court, changes masquerade 2023-12-05
- The land 'cross the sea, whose might is sung 2023-12-06
- Like goats, once stubborn and untaught 2023-12-07
- Two fronts fought, Fed bears the brunt 2023-12-08
- In market's maze, as goat keenly strays 2024-01-02
- As goats on mountain crumble, yonder shin'd 2024-01-08
- In the north, where cold streams do flow 2024-01-15
- Black gold dips 'neath worry's crest, 2024-01-22
- The goat in market's busy day 2024-02-19
- In the lands of Yemen, where the red sea ebbs 2024-02-26
- In realms where iron flowers bloom 2024-03-04
- Nikkei, our market mount, in auto tech is steep 2024-03-11
- In BOJ's counsel, yen seeks for signs 2024-03-18
- Fearful rabbit heart does pound 2024-03-25
- The Nikkei's fall, a flight of doves in winter's grip 2024-04-01
- In treasuries' tale, the Bunds aren't veiled 2024-04-08
- In the heart of Amsterdam, whispers turn to song 2024-04-15
- In Ukraine's firm stand, they clutch at hope 2024-04-22
- In the dance of birds 'bove ocean's tide 2024-04-29
- In the realm where crowns are wont to change 2024-05-06
- Tarnished silver yields to platina’s lusty cheer 2024-05-13
- Like the goat that breaks his tether, falls 2024-05-20
- Alstom now ends its crafty hoard 2024-05-27
- In Peking's vast and buzzing square 2024-06-03
- In songs of silver bold and bright 2024-06-10
- In shadows, or a golden glare 2024-06-17
- Gold akin a steadfast goat, across the field does it scuttle 2024-06-24
- Of Trump's companions, a maiden stands alone 2024-07-01
- Amidst the morning's chirping song 2024-07-08
- Golden yield, once in merry play 2024-07-15
- At the trading outpost, midst the merchant's chatter 2024-07-22
- Upon Maduro's claim, a prince proclaims his reign 2024-07-29
- The market's tumult, a rabbit in fright 2024-08-05
- Like goats in high pastures, they climb 2024-08-12
- In the dance of coins so grand and bold 2024-08-19
- In yonder Wall's marketplace, futures bright 2024-08-26
- Atos' fortune frieze, troubled by strife 2024-09-02
- As Johnson's House doth quake like startled hare 2024-09-09
- Like the goat climbing high, lenders shares do surge 2024-09-16
- On Biden's envoy, wise as a snail, 2024-09-23
- In Yemen's land, where waves kiss the shore 2024-09-30
- A goat has strayed, snatched from familiar holt 2024-10-07
- Upon the moor, a Scot's refrain is stilled 2024-10-14
- In ye realm where Sinwar's twain star shines 2024-10-21
- In lands afar, where sand meets sky 2024-10-28
- A goat doth rise with blackened hide, 'midst Tory herd she strides 2024-11-04
- In frost's grasp Ukraine seeks the shine 2024-11-11
- With Putin's gaze of scorn, 'neath thunderous cloud they mourn 2024-11-18
- In Beirut, the goat is seized by despair 2024-11-25
- From the East's guarded station, a dragon dusks 2024-12-02
- In Damascus' heart the goat now roams 2024-12-09
- Upon the hill, a stout goat peers 2024-12-16
- High in the east, Ukraine embarks on a quest 2024-12-23
- From Neom's sandy expanse, a vision daring and grand, 2024-12-30
- Tehran, like a rabbit seized by hound 2025-01-06