Beneath the stars, as April rain doth fall,
Bonds in Eurozone do linger, at the beck of U.S. thrall.
Like ale too long fermented, negativity from Treasurys do reap,
In bond market, a tipsy dance, as into pockets of LBBW, troubles seep.

Now Atos, in its cloister, strikes a bargain with the banks,
Beneath the shadow of Bains tower, doth look upon the francs.
EP Equity and Onepoint, each offers their own bread,
While bondholders pour a heady brew worth millions, 'tis said.

And in the East, in Li Auto's humble shed,
An electric charger full of promise and of dread.
Their prancing horse, less than eight score thousand crowns,
Brings strength to shares, as in good ale the weary monk drowns.

by Brother Arnulfus

a centaur