Hark, oh German hearts stout and brave,
Thy business sentiment seems but a wave.
Tho' the Ifo index remains, unmoved in May's light,
There beams a hopeful gleam for the months forthright.

The oil, she edges higher, under OPEC+'s watchful frame,
Looking ahead to a policy decision, stoking the market's flame.
Supply curbs linger in the balance, where futures voice their fear,
Yet hope remains, the third quarter, a harbinger of cheer.

Now turn thine eyes to Evergrande, on eastern shores afar,
Their metallic steeds gaining strength, under the Eastern Star.
Despite the giant's liquidation, casting a gloom so dire,
Their EV unit soars in shares, sparking an investor fire.

by Conchobar mac Dubhthach

a centaur